Accelerate your product translations within Dynamics 365

Many companies around the world use Microsoft Dynamics 365 in a wide range of language regions. That is why Microsoft Dynamics 365F/SCM/C is provided with many language versions. To use the multilingualism it is necessary to plan and systematically set up a multilingual environment. The basic setup is done when the system language is defined. … More Accelerate your product translations within Dynamics 365

PowerApp performs Sales Order on Hand availability in Dynamics 365F/SCM/C

In some projects I was asked again and again by the sales department staff if they could see immediately if a recorded order could be delivered. This question is not to be answered with a clear yes or clear no, since numerous configuration settings affect it. In addition, many companies are not able to use the … More PowerApp performs Sales Order on Hand availability in Dynamics 365F/SCM/C